Choosing Option B

Welcome to the season of candy corn and pumpkins. The weeks leading up to the new year with its new resolutions are a tough time for many—do we spontaneously splurge and regret it ...

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A New Meal Plan

Decades ago, with good intentions, my parents signed me up for the biggest college meal plan available. I was about to start my second year of school, and I was going to live in th...

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A Widened Perspective

On a brisk Colorado morning, about a week ago, my 10-year-old noticed that my husband Randy had loaded our mountain bikes on the car. 

“Are you two going on a date after you drop ...

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How to Stop Overcomplicating Things

We overcomplicate things. It’s not just you or me, I see this happening everywhere. As humans we're drawn to the drama of an unmade decision just like the honey bees are drawn to t...

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Decide to "Go Light"

Life can get really complicated fast. 

Eat this way, no eat that way. Train for a marathon, no running long distances is bad on the joints. Drink more water, but make sure you don...

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Packing Light

In the summer of 2016, my husband Randy and I made our way North to Canada in our old F-250 truck. Our two young boys and our dog, Lulu, were our co-pilots. I wasn’t on a sabbatica...

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Fresh Starts

A few years ago when the news spread that I was leaving my corporate job many people asked me, so what will you do? I’d mention excitedly that I was going back to school again, and...

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A Life Cleanse

The last few months have felt really heavy. This isn’t easy to admit. Why? Because I help women release their mental, emotional, and physical clutter so that they can live lighter....

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