Fear of Regret: Making Peace with Potential Regret when Decluttering

It's the beginning of the year...
The last thing you probably want to think about is possible future regret.
So let’s talk about it!
Do you ever find yourself holding onto things because you're worried you might regret letting them go? 
If so, I get it. Regret can feel REALLY uncomfortable. 
The good news?
The likelihood that you feel regret after decluttering is extremely low. However, if you do feel it, or if you are remembering a time in the past when you did feel regret, take note that regret is simply a feeling and that you CAN HANDLE any feeling you choose to face.
Regret isn't permanent. I promise, you'll be okay.
The regret I do see?
Wishing we had started decluttering sooner.
So please don’t let your current clutter be a future regret.
➡️ Watch the video to discover the Why potential future regret doesn't have to stop your current decluttering progress, the difference between real and imagined regret and how to prevent the biggest regret of all: not living a life true to yourself.
To your lighter life! 